The Melanoma changes its appearance and early changes can only be detected through comparison of at least two images taken 3 to 6 months apart.
A major technological advancement in Melanoma detection, the MoleMax/DermDOC system, available now at this Clinic will help alleviate your concerns.
During the first skin check, dermoscopic images of suspicious pigmented skin lesions can be magnified up to 100 times and then stored in the MoleMax/DermDOC data base.
At successive check-ups current images are compared to the previously stored one.
System advantages
- The MoleMax system was the first digital dermoscopy system that was developed in Austria in 1977.
- This system enables your doctor to examine your skin beyond its surface layers and detect changes in the skin not visible to the human eye.
- This makes diagnosis much easier and enhances the chances of detecting a malignant melanoma early.
- This quick and non-invasive examination is not only painless but also allows patients to observe examinations on the TV screen. No oil is required so a clean and comfortable examination is performed.